Friday, April 12, 2013

someday ( part 3 )

................ we become friends for along six months since that day. I'm so happy to be his friends. Indiretly, his little sister. Since he has no sisters and he wants me to be. I'm profoundly happy. But it doesn't get better. How could i pretend that i'm his lil sister if i have some feelings to him?

" If only you could know the things i long to say. If only i could tell you what i wish i could convey."

         We are so happy along that six months. Me, indeed. I'm so blessed to have a brother like him, indirectly. We have some conversations till night, we share our experiences, we tell the things happened on us, till someday he told me that he loved someone.

         That day i was feeling so blue. He was officially taken by someone, on that day. I couldn't handle myself. Do i have to be happy beacuse now he's not alone or even sad because i love him too?


         Time goes fast. Day by day was just filled by the story that he loved his girlfriend, and anything about the-one-he-loved. I got boring one time, but then i realized, i just his lil-sister. That fact wass tryin to kill me. Yet somehow i felt like maybe it's better to off without him. To be apart from him. 
To end this. I can't stand it anylonger when finally his girlfriend unfollowed me from him then deleted me from his bbm contacts. I was so desperated. I was hurt. She profoundly hurt me. 

           She didn't know how much i love him. She didn't know how many struggles that i've been through just to reach him. Just to keep in touch with him, just to talk with him, ...................... just to see him.

The next year.

              I'm living my new life, trying to forget him and anything about him. But i never forget him, definitely. Not because i don't want to, but i can't. I found him again on twitter, "nice to see you again,dear" i whispered to myself. Nice to know that he's happy now, with his new life, and what? he's single. No, no more her. But it's just impossible to wonder if i could be closer with him as yesterday.

                I feel like i just want to say "Hi" to him but i can't. whereas, in past i was the only one who had his favorite "hello" but now, sadly he doesn't even know me. He doesn't even remember who-i-am. 

But it's fine, at least i still remember him. The one whom i-never-forget.

                   Time flies. and it's hard to realize that he is just somebody that i used to know. 

Now i'm in my first year of college. Starting my new day and life but still with the old hopes. Meet him.

                                              to be continued...


Friday, April 5, 2013

Someday (Part 2)

.........................until finally he came to her. She asked her for her name. Then, shortly, they knew each others. The camping events held on that day. They came there and joined every single plans they had. Elita was very impressed with him. Definitely, his smile. She just wanted to stare at him whenever he smiles, even he didn't even know that she stared at him.

"Keep your chin up, someday there will be happiness again. You'll see."

It was such a precious moment with him. The ones which never be forgotten. She did know that it happens once in a lifetime. She never knew when will she meet him again. And, never be strong enough to expect that time.

It was gone. It was a year ago. Now, she is fine. Trying to be fine. Fine living with her new life. Living without someone special. Living without the warmest smile. Living without the heart attacks. Living with the normal heart beats.

She is just signing in her account on facebook, reading some postings on her timeline when suddenly she finds him. She even forgets that she had been friends with him, the one who she likes-the-most. She reads his posts, which says:
"Everyone, go invite my pin 227xxxx" 

She feels gloomy. She is shocked of what's just happened. She takes her cell phone quickly and invite him. She feels nervous at first, but actually, she doesn't know what to do. She just wants to know him. Yes, that's it. She says in heart.

It doesn't take too long to know that he's now in my contact. It seems impossible to be accepted by him because, he might be not remember me. Even if he's always on my mind.

I cannot stop to stare at phone, waiting for something that won't happen. A miracle that he might greet me. But it happens. He sends me text within the next ten minutes. He says: "Thanks for the add". OMG! look what's just happened! I got him! I don't know what to write, yet it's just happens spontaneously. 

We become friends for along six months since that day...

                                                                to be continued...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Someday ( Part 1 )

This is my first short story to be shown. As a beginner, i know that it might be not quite good but I'm trying my best. I'll make it into parts and this is the first. Hope you guys enjoy it!


This is the very beginning of her long-long journey. A journey to reach the one. The one whom always be her dreams. The one who makes her believes that the "happy ending" is not only exist in fairytale, but so in life.

" He's not a stranger. We have met before, once upon a dream"

Elita is her name. A fifteen years old girl who loved by many. A sweet girl who loves to laugh and a little childish. She is now in her last grade of Junior High School. She prepares everything for her last exams, final examination. In hope that she will pass it perfectly and heading for a better future. She is a light-hearted girl, but a kind of introvert. She has best friends, and everyone loved to be her friends, but deep inside, she has a big story. 

The story began a year ago. When she saw a boy standing next to her with a blue shirt and jeans, got busy with his job. His name was Tama. He came to her school in case to promote his event. He was the alumni of that school, the same school with Elita. But now, he is in his last grade of High School. He looked charming with his face, cute with his appearance, and warmed with his smile. He just officially impressed her at the first sight. With everything he has.

The event held the next two weeks. At that time, Tama often went to her school to lead some meetings with the members of the event. And so Elita, she never stopped stare at him whenever she met him. Elita and her best friends joined that event, in case to be closed with him. She knew and realized that they had different at ages, but she had no idea how much she liked him. 

One day, the one she loved unexpectedly came to her, not to asked her about that event, but personally. And everything looked different, she felt like the whole world stopped and stared for a while, the time stopped going, and she thought that she had a heart attack, which stopped her heart beats.
She didn't know why he came to her until finally........

to be continued...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tips Bikin Essay yang Bagus

Hai guys! buat kalian yang punya tugas atau  sedang berencana ingin membuat sebuah essay, gue punya beberapa tips and triknya nih supaya kalian lebih mudah bikin essaynya! Here they are :

1) Pilih Topik Essay yang Menarik, Bagus dan Lagi Hits.

Buat kalian yang buat essay tapi topiknya gak ditentuin, sebaiknya kalian pilih topik yang menarik, karena dari topik yang menarik itu pembaca akan lebih tertarik untuk membaca essay kalian, dan itu membuat essay kalian semakin gak nge-bosenin. Apalagi kalau kalian menggunakan topik yang lagi nge-Hits! bisa dapet +1 tersendiri tuh! karena.. otomatis sebagian pembaca langsung tau dong konteks dari essay kamu itu apa.

2) Gunakan Judul yang Singkat, tapi Menarik.

Judul itu penting banget lho guys! yaa walaupun ada pepatah " don't judge a book by it's cover" tapi yang namanya judul awal itu penting banget lho, soalnya dari judul pembaca sudah langsung bisa membaca bagaimana isi selanjutnya dari essay yang kamu tulis. Seperti kita jika sedang membaca sebuah artikel, kalau judulnya saja kurang menarik, pasti gak sedikit juga kan dari kita yang langsung bales membacanya?  Biasanya disini kita mengginakan phrase atau frasa, bukan statement atau pernyataan.

3) Pilih Diksi yang Tepat

Yup! Diksi atau pilihan kata itu penting banget lho guys kedudukannya, gak jarang jika dua step diatas sudah qualified tapi diksinya kurang tepat, pasti essay kalian harus direvisi. Nah, makanya, untuk mencegah terjadinya revisi yang berulang-ulang tersebut, dari awal dipikirkan matang-matang ya guys diksinya, supaya essay kalian makin bagusss!

4) Padat dan Jelas.

Dari pengalaman saya menulis essay, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebenarnya essay itu gak boleh singkat-singkat banget. Yaa minimal 500 kata deh kalo gue bikinnya. Tapi, bukan berarti kalian boleh memanjang kali lebarkan isi essay kalian dengan kata atau isi itu-itu aja yaa guys, inget! kalian harus kreatif, tuangkan ide kalian semaksimal mungkin dan cari suasana yang pas untuk ngeluarin ide-ide tersebut, tapi inget! jangan kelamaan juga mikirnya, kalian mau essaynya cepat jadi kan? dan gak mau dikejar deadline terus?^^

Yap! berikut adalah beberapa tips menulis Essay dari gue, semoga bermanfaat yaa bagi kita semua, dan semoga essay yang kita idam-idamkan lekas terwujud, selesai, dan gak "revisi" terus. Amiiiiiinnn.